What is bail and why it is important to get your bail application right the first time
What is Bail?
Put simply, bail is a written promise to appear before the Court after you have been charged with an offence. That promise can come with conditions, which are known as bail conditions. For example, you may have to reside at a particular address (this is known as a residential condition) or you have to report to the police station between certain hours on certain days (this is known as a reporting condition).
Types of Bail
Watch House Bail – If you have been arrested and charged, the police may allow you to leave custody by granting you watch house bail. You will have to attend Court on the date stated on your bail undertaking, and comply with any conditions.
Court Bail – If the police refuse you watch house bail, you can apply to the Courts for bail. If you are granted bail by the Court, the police must release you after you’ve signed your bail undertaking.
Once you have been granted bail, you will be entitled to remain in the community up to your next Court date.
If you apply to the court for bail and your application is unsuccessful (bail is refused by the court) there are limited circumstances where you can reapply for bail which is why it’s important to make sure you have an experienced lawyer who will get it right the first time. We regularly make successful bail applications for our clients, if you (or one of your loves ones) are charged with an offence contact us as soon as possible.