Getting early advice is key
Before you are charged
If the police want to speak to you about an offence, don’t delay getting advice. Getting the right advice first can be the difference between being convicted of an offence or successfully defending an offence. It can also be the difference between you being granted bail and being held in custody until your matter is resolved which can be months or years in some cases.
After you are charged
If you have already been charged we can help you get the best possible outcome. This can include defending a charge, negotiating with Prosecutions or representing you at a sentence ensuring you get the best possible sentence. We are skilled and diligent advocates who are comfortable and confident in the court room.
Bail applications
If you have been charged the police may allow you to go “at large” or they may release you on bail (a promise to the court that you will surrender to court when required to do so), or they may hold you in custody and oppose your bail. Generally, people only have one chance to make a bail application so making sure you get it right the first time is crucial. We regularly represent people and successfully apply for bail. Learn more about bail applications.
If you have already had a charge resolved and you are not happy with the result you may be able to appeal the court’s decision. This means asking another court to reconsider your sentence or verdict. Strict time frames apply so it is crucial that you seek legal advice without delay.
we can help you with any criminal law matter including:
Traffic law is one of the most technical /difficult areas of law in Queensland. Although considered minor, traffic offences often involve mandatory sentences and can have consequences on your family life and employment.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
Assault offences are very broad and include offences such as common assault to more serious offences such as grievous bodily harm, and wounding. Sentences can range from fines to imprisonment. Mandatory sentences apply for assault offences committed in some circumstances.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
The law in relation to drug and weapons offences is wide and can be confusing, which is why it is important to get advice from a lawyer who has experience in these areas. We represent people charged with all kinds of drugs and weapons offences.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
Dishonesty offences range from minor offences that typically result in fines to offences that result in periods of imprisonment. Convictions in relation to dishonesty offences can have particular consequences for your employment opportunities. We can provide you with reliable advice in relation to your options and likely consequences so you can make informed decisions.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
Sexual offences in Queensland include a wide range of conduct which varies significantly in serious. Given the nature of such offences you might be especially embarrassed or distressed. We will provide you with expert and discrete advice and representation to get you the best possible result.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
Offences involving the death of a person are the most serious offences a person can be charged with. Murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison. Defending any charge involving the death of another person generally involves the consideration of complex expert evidence such a scientific and medical evidence. It is important that you seek urgent expert advice at the earliest possible stage of the police investigate is vital. We have the experience and knowledge to best manage these complex issues.
Commonwealth offences are offences under the Commonwealth Criminal Code and include cyber crimes (hacking, online fraud etc); fraud (illegal obtaining Centrelink or other government payments); importation and terrorism offences. Commonwealth offences are broad and the evidence is often scientific and complex. They are also prosecuted differently to state offences, with different evidence and sentencing laws. We have the experience and knowledge to assist you with any Commonwealth offence.
For more detailed information, learn more here:
We can assist you with matters prosecuted by organisations other then police, this can include local councils, government departments, professional and regulatory authorities and the RSPCA. These matters can be just as serious as criminal charges brought by the police and often have consequences specific to the type of prosecution such as losing a work licence or accreditation etc, so it is important you get the right legal advice early.
If you or your child is charged with an offence it is important you get legal advice as soon as possible. The police have additional responsibilities when investigating a child’s involvement in an offence. There are also strict timeframes involved that can significantly impact the outcome of a criminal matter involving a child. We have extensive experience in the juvenile justice system and can ensure you (or your child) is protected throughout the process.
For more detailed information, learn more here: