Work drivers licence applications

drivers licence applications

What is a work licence?

A work licence is a licence that allows you to drive for work, even though your licence has been disqualified by the Court for drinking driving or similar offences. Its commonly referred to as a “work licence” but its actually a restricted licence granted under s.87 of Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995.

If you are granted a work licence you will be allowed to drive for purposes directly connected with your means of employment. In order to be granted a work licence, you must be eligible for a licence and satisfy a strict criteria.

Am I eligible for a work licence?

Firstly to be eligible to apply for a work licence, you must be about to lose your driver’s license because you have been charged with:

-        Drink driving;

-        Failing to provide a specimen; or

-        Driving with a relevant drug present in your blood or saliva.

You will need to plead guilty to the offence you are charged with. You will have to satisfy the Court that you require your licence to carry out your job.

When would I be ineligible for a work licence?

You might be unable to obtain a work licence if any of the below apply:

-        You hold a probationary or restricted licence – you can only apply for a work licence if you hold a current Open Queensland driver’s licence;

-        You had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more – you can only apply for a work licence if you have a blood alcohol concentration under 0.15;

-        You were driving for work purposes at the time of being charged;

When the court can grant a work licence

Provided you meet the above requirements, the court may grant a work licence, however you must also:

-        Make the application before the court disqualifies your drivers licence.

-        Show the court you are a fit and proper person to hold a workers licence;

-        Show the court that you will lose your income if you don’t get a workers licence and that it would cause extreme financial hardship to you.

If you have been charged with a drink / drug driving offence and need a licence to be able to keep your job, contact us now – we can help.  

kerri Patterson